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Front End Vs Back End Vs Full Stack Engineer

Alok Kumar
3 min readMay 19, 2022


I have been seeing a lot of discussion around this amongst the new developers, who wants to build a career in the Software Engineering field. Even this discussion is popular amongst companies for their engineers’ hiring, as the belief is all about Full Stack Engineer is in demand, and Front End or Back End Engineering is fading with the time.

I wish the above statement was true, but the truth is something which doesn’t aligns with the above notion at all, provided you do research about things on a daily basis or a frequent basis.

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Full Stack stream definition is all about covering aspects of Front End and Back End.

I believe it is a fair definition ✅, as it is true that the developers handles both the things based upon the requirements. But there is a catch, and that is Full Stack developers are not optimal when it comes to handling complicated/complex tasks in a particular niche, be it Front End or Back End. It demands something which is close to expertise/mastery, and a Full Stack Engineer has the challenge of becoming one. Hence, they are called as Jack of All Trades and Master of None.

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Now the question arises, is Front End or Back End engineering specifically will still be in demand in future?

The answer to the above question is a big YES. To add more weight to the above notion, let us take an example of a company which need it’s database to be re-written in a new database, which uses a specific version being optimised enough to perform the same tasks or may be configure the database again to be able to enhance it’s capabilities. In this case my friend, the company is never going to hire a full stack engineer, and all they are going to be looking for will be, a back end engineer having expertise in Database Engineering.

The same ground rule is applicable to the Front End engineers as well. Some expertise will always be required to handle some complicated tasks, and a Full Stack developer is not enough to handle the same. Hence, the requirements.

See, it is practically okay to be the Jack of all trades and master of none precisely, but if you want to become a master/expert, then pick a niche and delve deeper into it.

As per the research I have done so far, I would say, no specific development niche is going to replace one another in the coming future.

There will always be complicated systems, which only requires an expert in the field to deal with the situation. And to become one, you need a thorough research and work experience in the same field!

Choose your path wisely, and move forward. Nothing bad in being a Front End, or a Back End or a Full Stack Engineer. It is all about priorities and perspectives.

All the best and be a Great Software Engineer, cos the baton of this responsibility is going to be passed to some one who will look up to you. Think wisely, and work for change! 👍🏻

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